Not the Usual Suspects : Top 4 Luxury Handbags that won’t break the bank
When you read luxury handbag, we all know which brands come to mind. Social status is what drives most of us to “invest” in the well-known, uber-marketed luxury brands. Luxury brands target a buyer’s emotions through a whole bunch of strategic scripts to get you to buy an incredibly pricey bag. They will guarantee quality, client services, the works but at a cost already added to the bag you’re purchasing. The truth is you are only paying for the guarantee that they will send out the item in the future with one of their stores shipping it for “free” - but there is an extra charge for the refresh and repair. So really, you’re “investing” in an item for which you have to pay for more in the future. You are really paying for the name. Why would you have to pay for the name? As a consumer, we really don’t have that personal connection with the brand. It’s a marketing tactic that’s developed by the brands so they can keep you hooked.
I remember what somebody reminded me and it really sunk in. He said, “I love the look but I’m not going to pay for an expensive branded bag so I can walk around and advertise them. They have to pay me to do that. Not the other way around.” Heck, yes.
Below are some alternatives but won’t cost you an entire month’s paycheck.
These luxury brands are what I call Quiet Luxury. They don’t scream “brand” on their designs, but the structure, the materials and the unique designs say luxury in all angles.
1. WANDLER The Lin Bag
I love this bag from the first click. WANDLER is an underrated luxury brand that promises high-end items without the hefty price tag. I guess fortune favours the brave and stylish. This style has a fortune cookie shape and you can spread the wings for a roomier bag to fit your essentials.
WANDLER’s luxury leather goods are made in Italy. The brand is committed to impressive quality and craftsmanship. They are proud of their sculptural yet unconventional aesthetic. Although this is a family business with a lot of heritage, they don’t make you pay for that unlike others who yank up the price on their products because they have, let’s say, a travel heritage or because royalty used them for travel in the ancient times.